Roots to Leaves takes a whole person approach to health and wellness. We believe that in order to fully heal and support our health and hormones, we need to consider not just diet, but lifestyle factors, from sleep to movement, environment to community, mindfulness to creativity, the physical body to the mental body, and everything in between. 
Through a mind-body approach that bridges nutritional science with traditional wisdom and holistic care, our goal is to empower you with knowledge that can truly change behavior - with a little water and sunlight, we hope to help elevate and optimize your health and equanimity. We can begin to reconnect with our bodies and understand the role that true nourishment and inner guidance plays in our health, from understanding the cycles, boosting fertility, supporting pregnancy, connecting with the self, and creating a healthier generation of little ones. 

Together we will lay down the roots, so that you can grow tall, expand, and flourish for years to come. 

our philosophy

“The use of love is to heal. When it flows without effort from the depth of the self, love creates health.”

- deepak chopra


Our hormones are complex, along with the emotions that may arise while tackling fertility, pregnancy, and general imbalances. As such, to look at just nutrition in isolation does not provide us with the whole picture of health. We know that food along with movement, sleep, emotional health and more all play a role in determining the health of our hormones, our pregnancy, and even the longterm health of our little ones! 

When we only treat a symptom rather than a cause, we essentially put a bandaid on a deep wound. It may help us from picking at it, but it doesn’t stop the infection from spreading under the skin. It's almost like taping leaves to a branch that's dying because it doesn't have the water or soil it needs. Modern-day healthcare tends to take this quick-fix, topical approach to deep-rooted issues. We see this with...

The sole recommendation of birth control for hormone imbalances like PCOS. 

The lack of lifestyle guidance around fertility and ART treatments.

The stringent carb-restrictive diet for gestational diabetes. 

A holistic and functional approach instead allows us to look deeper and find the root cause, authentically considering YOU all the while. Through this lens, we can create a lifestyle that nourishes the foundation of your health and considers the entirety of your being, enabling us to truly and sustainably support your health and wellness. 
From the biological to the physical, the emotional to the environmental, we consider the beautiful interconnectedness of health, so that we can begin to heal and support ourselves from the inside out.

for the hormone, fertility and pregnancy picture.

holistic approach to hormones

With effort comes ease.
with strength comes gentleness.
only when we are grounded, can we truly grow.

Must reads

give it a read

Coffee - How Much Is Too Much?

give it a read

What to Limit During Pregnancy

give it a read

6 Foods to Boost Fertility

site designed by byariel

© 2022 roots to leaves

